
First one is from Iruka's POV.

Scar Tissue

You recall, vividly, the first time you saw Kakashi naked.

It wasn't the first time you'd fucked. It wasn't the several dozen or so times after that: always at night; always when it was dark.

Your fingers knew the truth when they touched him; but you somehow let it slide.

Until that one day. When he'd accidentally left the bathroom door unlocked, and you walked in. And you saw them.

Kakashi had always told you he wasn't ashamed of his scars. But there, with the lights on, and the door ajar, and his eyes avoiding your face, you knew differently.


Wear you out

Genma's skin is warm and dry. Raidou's arm tenses, strains; sweat collecting sticky in the creases of his muscles. Their hands are locked in a numbing death-grip, fingertips gone white.

It's no longer just the principle of things. It's the fluttering pulse, barely felt. The shifting of tendons, and bones, that feel way more delicate than they are.

Genma's eyes are light brown, with dark specks. He hasn't blinked for at least several minutes now. An eternity. When he does, it's very slow and calculating. The way his gaze never shifts, and it's like...there's no one in the world but you. Just you and him. And you can forget that you're being watched, as he leans closer. About as close as he's allowed. His lips parting just so.

Raidou blinks once, his own lips unconciously parting. Never missing a beat, Genma torques Raido's arm back, and slams him into the rough table top. Both men look at the referee.

Raidou growls, and jerks his hand away. "That's it. You saw how he cheated that time!"

Genma blinks lazily, and parts his lips just so.

Hayate coughs into his fist, and says: "I'm going to allow it."

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