Just . . . Stuff
Chapter Three: Letters, Masks and . . . Stuff

I know you're impatient. I also know the pencil didn't even graze you, so you can take that silly little plaster off your left ear. And when you're in the mission room submitting your reports, stop touching your lobe and wincing. I'm not gong to kiss your non-existent booboo. I have a good aim, even if I am just a chuunin. And asking Naruto not to tell me that you've been badgering him about me? Please. I practically raised the kid; you've only had him for less than a year.

Couldn't you just have waited like I asked? Would you leave me alone for a while longer if I told you I love you? Because I do. And don't try and pretend you're surprised. The reason why it you've happily gotten into the habit of sneaking into my bed at the strangest hours and covering my eyes without second thought isn't because you're a mean, horrible, nasty person. Naruto told me you bring him fruits and vegetables every week. He doesn't eat them by the way, he gives them to me, but it is still very nice of you.

Like I was saying, you're a very considerate person and the only reason you treat me the way you do is because you know I'm deeply, crazily, insanely in love with you. You know I'll let you get away with crap because I seldom, if ever, say no to you. I even went shopping with you for silk ties to bind my eyes with. And you know you're not taking advantage of my supposed kind nature because I make you do weird stuff as well. Like buying me mochi when you're close to passing out. Or hand-washing my underwear when I got tired of all my stuff being dyed blue because I chuck my uniform into the washer without checking. And also the other stuff, like sitting there quietly and waiting when I'm telling my parents how my week has been. And never once telling me how crazy it is that I still have conversations with people that have been dead for 13 years. You're incredibly sweet Kakashi, even though you try and hide it.

I bet right now you're thinking, 'so what the hell?'. It's not the mask Kakashi. Well, it is the mask but it's not the mask, mask. I mean, I don't mind the mask, but in a way I do. I don't mind that you won't take it off. But will you promise me to keep it on forever? Are we going to be doing this forever?

I want to do this to go on forever, you coming by in the middle of the night and molesting me in bed. I want to feel your hand slip over my face and press down on my eyes just before your lips touch mine. I want to feel your teeth bite into my shoulder from behind as you come, deep inside me. Shivering. I even want to feel the cloth of that damn mask press into my skin as you fall asleep. It's very soft you know. The mask. What's it made of? We should get ties of the same material. Might feel nicer than silk.

It's not that you won't take it of, it's that I'm afraid the only memory I'll have of your face is when they tear it off to force air down your throat. Or when they remove it so you won't choke on your own blood. I'm afraid you'll die before you ever feel safe enough with me to just be you. Not Kakashi the genius Copy Ninja. Not Sharingan Kakashi. Not Kakashi-sensei, pervert extrodinaire. Naruto thinks you keep the mask on because you drool when you're reading you know. But just Kakashi. My Kakashi.

I'm not asking you to take the mask off. I wouldn't even dream of it. Keep it on. Keep it on forever. Just promise me that you'll never die. That's easier to do right?

You know you've never actually told me you love me. Well, to be fair, before this I've never told you either. So, do you love me Kakashi? I need to know. It's difficult for me to have so much love for you and suspect that it might somehow not be returned.

Am I making sense? I told you to leave me alone. It's your own fault.


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