Untitled gift for Kilerkki

"You go first."

Asuma wears a thoughtful look. "Okay. Hmm. Well, how about this? My team has a member of a noble house."

Kurenai smiles. "My team has two members from noble houses and a bloodline limit. Drink."

"Dammit." Time passes: a gulp and a refill. "My team has a genius."

"My team... I'll just take the penalty." The shot is knocked back professionally. "My team is creepier than your team."

A grimace. "You win." Shot, killed. "Let's play a different game."

"Fine with me. Bartender, a refill for both of us, please, and an extra bottle, while you're at it. What kind of game did you have in mind?"

An easy shrug. "Food name game?"

A smile. "Works for me. You begin."






A pause. Winner starts.







Another pause. Winner starts again.


"I hate this game."

"That was pretty clever."

Yet another pause while Asuma glares, tipsy, at Kurenai. Shouldn't have drunk on an empty stomach. Shouldn't have had beer before liquor. Can feel the tummyache coming on. "Inari."

"Thought you said you hated this game. Ice cream."

"Mashed potatoes."


"Deer." A snicker. "Fine, fine, dango."




"Fuck!" Shouldn't have drunk on an empty stomach and challenged her to a drinking contest and let her have a handicap of three shots. This is embarrassing. "How about a different game?"

"Fine by me. Last one, though. I have an early morning tomorrow."

"Okay. I Spy?" Kurenai nods. "I spy with my little eye... something gray."

"Asuma. Too easy. It's Kakashi."

"How'd you know?"

"Because he's sitting right behind me. Drink up."


Kurenai's turn. "I spy with my little eye... something fuzzy."

"Um." A quick glance around the room. "Fuzzy. Okay. Your teeth?"

She would have choked if she were drinking something. "Oh, for the love of... drink." She waits. "I spy with my little eye something that begins with an A."


"DRINK. You read too many books. I spy with my little eye..." She has to end this, now. Seven shots of soju on top of the beers consumed earlier tonight will make for a nice hangover tomorrow morning, just in time for his mission. "Your penalty."


"Yes." A quick scoot and she's by his side. She leans close, then kisses him boldly full on the mouth.

Asuma blinks, stupefied. Then, shakily, he pours himself another shot.

"Drink," he tells himself.

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