French Links

Dictionary of Foreign Phrases - Mots Élémentaires: Français (OTL)
Some basic words (like oui, merci, bien, etc) and some simple phrases; s'il vous plaît, comment vous appelez-vous, and so on.

Travlang: Translating Dictionaries
Scroll down 'til you find a huge French flag, then pick a language and type in the word you want translated. :) I'd imagine it works best if you have some clue on French gammar. Or you can type in a French word and get it translated. :)

ARTFL Project: French-English Dictionary Form
Simple one-word-at-the-time translator. Both French-English and English-French on the same page.

French Language Course by Jacques Leon
An online French course. Seems pretty easy to follow. :)

[En Français]
[Poison Flower]