Hey Diddle Diddle

"Push it in, just push it in!"

"Quiet," Raidou hissed, straining. Genma snarled at him, clutching the scarred man's arm, and dug in his broken nails.

"Just push it the fuck in!"

"Quiet quiet quiet quiet," Raidou chanted fiercely at him. "It won't fit, and someone will get hurt, and then where will we be? At the hospital?"

Genma punched Raidou's arm, hard, and Raidou stopped dead, glaring at Genma.

"When I say someone, Genma, I mean you. So stop trying to rush me, you stupid bastard."

Genma groaned, leaning his head against Raidou's shoulder, then turned his face away. "Fine. Take your time. I don't care. Asshole."

Raidou growled, shoved hard, and smiled madly at Genma with sharp, white teeth. Genma's head snapped back and he looked at Raidou, mouth falling open.

"Shit, Raidou, be careful. Was it supposed to make that sound?"

Raidou's smile widened and he shoved again. "Now you want me to be careful?" A shove. "Now you want me to be careful?" Another shove. "Now?"

"Raidou, seriously, be careful. It's not supposed to make that sound, I know it! What if it's bleeding?"

Raidou paused, holding very still. "You think," he started, worried, "it's bleeding?"

Genma punched Raidou's arm again, face twisted up. "Don't worry about it now, just hurry up and shove it all the way in. Come on, Raidou, put some back into it."

"Shut up," Raidou groaned, "I'm the one doing all the work. You just lie back and enjoy the show."

"Hell yeah I will."

"I said shut up." Raidou pushed one last time, hard, then leaned on his hands, panting. "There, it's in. Happy now?"

"Yes. Now poke it, or something. Get it going." Genma squirmed and Raidou swallowed, leaning a bit closer.

"Poke it? Where?"

"I don't know, anywhere. Just get it going."

"Fine fine fine. Right here good?" Raidou asked. Genma nodded and Raidou extended his finger, pressing it in very carefully.

"Seriously, Raidou, if it didn't break already, nothing's going to break it now. Seriously, hit it or something. Come on," Genma whined. Raidou made a face at him, then poked, hard.


"The hell?"

The voice was loud, gruff, and angry. Very angry. And awake. Very awake. Genma looked at Raidou and Raidou looked at Genma. There was another bleat from the bedroom and the voice was back.

"Who the fuck put a sheep in my room?!"

"Run!" Genma yelled, pushing upwards and leaping away, clambering up to a rooftop. Raidou was behind him in half a second, passing Genma in another few steps.

"Shit," he laughed, leaping to another rooftop, pushing chakra to his feet. "Ibiki's going to kill us!"

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