Hey Diddle Diddle

Obito's dead.

The knowledge is stark and cutting, clear across the haze of his mind.

He's failed, and one of his students is dead. The remainder if his team is broken beyond repair. Obito was the glue that held them together, the one who pulled Kakashi in and pushed Rin forward. Now, he's leading a failed team, and what's better to lead them than a failure?

He's failed.

It doesn't seem to matter much, though. They still call him the greatest, the darling of Konoha. Yellow Flash. He wants to laugh at times, at the complete irony. If he was a little faster, just a little, he could have saved Obito.

He's failed, and it doesn't matter. The rumors are flying like the wind (like him, he sometimes laughs), that he's the next successor, that he'll be Yondaime. It's another irony that he can't miss. Yondaime. Hokage. His new name. From Son to Yellow Flash to Yondaime. Somewhere, in the middle, stuck where he can't quite reach, three voices called him Sensei, and now it's only two.

He's failed, and he doesn't even have a name.


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