
Recommendations by fandoms (my lists)
The OC: It's a Woobie World
X-Men: Fire and Ice

Other people's recommendation pages
Everlasting - Anime recs
Fleeting Fancies - Anime, Manga, Comicbooks recs
GW Yaoi Recs - Gundam Wing recs
Rynne's Remus/Sirius rec list - Harry Potter recs
Slapdash recs - multifandom and vid

Bishonen Works - P.L. Nunn
Destiny Interrupted - Ponderosa
Celestial SodaPop - Soda
Wizard. crackers - Linn
I fiend, therefore I am - Fiendling - Melissa E. Rogers
Monica 'Starling' Izcovich
Gold Seven - Jenny Dolfen
Ghengis John Icons - Crantz
Wicked Goddess' icons
Red Shirts - icons
The Moods of A_Gal - moodthemes
Better than real - Spiffydaze moodthemes
Screen caps & movie images - Screen caps, icons, etc.
Shades of Grey - Buffy screen caps, mood themes
Faith's Solace - Faith screen caps
The Freeze Frame network - Screen caps of Buffy and Angel episodes
Pyro Screen Captures from X-Men2
Mean Girls Screen Captures - Movie images.

Layout by Ellissa through fandom charity in return for a 10$ donation to Medecins sans Frontieres.